Monday 27 September 2010

Am I daft ? (Please don't bother to answer)

Went through the first day of the finance bootcamp and it was great . With the number of new things I heard and learnt about, it seems I haven't been on this planet for a long time. Yup I know being in a tech firm was not exactly the place to learn about finance careers, but seriously, how can there be so much stuff I do not know about .
I did feel a bit daft at times , and before any of you jump in to help me re-affirm that I am so, just let me say, that it was a mere fleeting thought and I am confident of my intelligence. So, thanks but no thanks :)
Have another day of finance ahead of me, let's see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. hehehe ... considering the fact that you got an amazing opportunity to work with me for 2 years, i wont call u daft. No thanks for further comments.
